Current version of microsoft edge
Current version of microsoft edge

Microsoft's Edge browser was released in 2015 and is their replacement for their now obsolete web browser Internet Explorer. Please note that with Microsoft ending the development of Windows 10 Mobile, Edge will no longer be developed or supported on Windows 10 Mobile. If you're running the Edge browser, you should make sure you're using the latest version. People who can't install a new browser get a much better experience from the preinstalled option, and Chrome will hopefully improve from the more direct competition.There are a few different versions of Microsoft's Edge Browser. Regardless of whether you use Microsoft Edge, this new setup is beneficial for almost everyone. Plus, the new Edge has better syncing options since it's available on all platforms. While it did have an ebook reader and annotation features, those aren't exactly game-changers. It's much more appealing than the old version of Edge, which really didn't offer any great reasons to use it. Maybe you want a reliable and flexible browser that's not tied to Google-as long as you don't mind Microsoft's integration with it. The new Edge doesn't offer huge improvements over Chrome, but depending on your preferences, that could be perfect.

current version of microsoft edge

If you're unsatisfied with your current browser for any reason, or just want to try something different, it's worth a look.

current version of microsoft edge

If you're familiar with Chrome, Edge is very similar, aside from the layout of the settings menu and a few options. There's really not much more to using the revamped Microsoft Edge.

Current version of microsoft edge