Epub and mobi
Epub and mobi

Just follow the instructions on the Stanza website. It doesn’t do a great job of reading EPUB books, but any EPUB book you open in it will be shared over your wifi network to Stanza iPhone. If you don’t like the look of Calibre, you can grab Stanza Desktop for Windows or Mac.

epub and mobi

There are some instructions on the Calibre website. From Stanza on your iPhone you can download it from you Calibre library. To put your EPUB files onto your phone, you’ll need to install Calibre (mentioned above) and share your library from your PC. The iPhone version only supports the EPUB format. If you’re an iPhone user, we highly recommend Stanza. The Kindle software is also available for Windows, Mac, iPhone, and BlackBerry, with support for MOBI format ebooks. There will be a small Amazon fee for this service. You can email the ebook file to this email address and it’ll be transferred wirelessly to your Kindle over Whispernet. There is another option, when you setup your Amazon Kindle account, you would have been assigned a special email address. You can drop your MOBI format ebook onto your device via USB cable, which is really quite simple as I demonstrate in this quick screencast: If you’re a Kindle user you’ll need to use the MOBI format. It supports a wide variety of formats including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI it can even convert one format to another.

epub and mobi

Here are a few ebook reader software options you may like to check out.Īdobe Digital Editions is desktop ebook software available for Windows and Mac, and supports EPUB and PDF formats.Ĭalibre is very capable ebook software available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Features like library management, bookmarking, note-taking, and searching are extremely helpful, especially for educational titles like the ones SitePoint produce. So I probed the brain cavity of our resident ebook expert, Kevin Yank, and extracted some squishy but tasty nuggets of useful knowledge.Įbook software has features that can enhance the way you consume books. We then figured you might be seeking some advice on how to take advantage of these new formats.

epub and mobi

To celebrate the addition of EPUB and MOBI format versions of most of our books, SitePoint has launched a massive 5 for 1 sale.

Epub and mobi