Super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies
Super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies

super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies

A music box will appear that could take you to the clouds.

super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies

Where it slopes up walk until you are aligned with the wall above you and jump. When the path splits take the upper route. You will fall into a room with a chest containing the whistle. Walk to the right until you stop and press up. If you collect 44 coins a White Mushroom House will appear containing a P-Wing.Īfter the second Question Block stomp the Dry Bones and fly up into the open area, move to the right until you are on top of the wall. Avoid enemies to the end of the level and walk behind the black and Toad will give you the first Warp Whistle. You will fall through the block into the background. Get rid of the Koopa and duck for five seconds. Near the end of the level there is a white block with another Red Koopa. A music box will appear that could send you to the clouds. Once the shell clears a path hop down, move to the left, and jump. When you come to the Red Koopa, jump on it and kick its shell towards the music box. Then jump on one, sail down to another and another and another until you start getting 1-Ups for each kill. There is a 1-Up and coins in the clouds if you fly where the three Goombas are.Īs Racoon Mario stand next to the pipe and wait for a few Goombas to pop out. If you duck for more than five seconds on the white block at the beginning of the level you will fall through and end up in the background. Mushroom House 2: Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, or Super Leaf Mushroom House 1: Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, or Super Leaf If a level contains more than one 1-Up you could enter the level, get both, and die. You can get the same Mushroom House over and over by getting game over.

super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies

You get to keep your items though, and locks/rocks stay destroyed. When you lose all of your lives all of the levels you beat become uncleared. When you hit a block that contains an item that can move freely (example: a Super Mushroom or Starman, not a Fire Flower or Super Leaf) The item will move to the opposite side as you hit it from. The spade game has eight possible combonations.

Super mario bros 3 world 1-3 layout with enemies